December 13, 2008


I have issues with snow. I think it's pretty (sometimes) and is something that should only happen on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I would even be fine with it if it would just stay in the mountains and not hit the valleys. Other than that, I really hate it. It's horrible to drive in. It's cold. It turns all brown and gross after a while. It makes the roads horrible, especially out here where it's a miracle if our roads get plowed. Shoveling it is awful. I can't ski or snowboard, and it's just not fun for me. I know that I am probably a scrooge or something, but I really do not like the snow. Landon and Carter even think it's "yucky snow" and I haven't tricked them into thinking that at all. They walked outside the first time it snowed this year and said, "Eww, snows yucky!" I laughed, and agreed with them.


Shelley said...

You are such a winter grump! Cheer up would ya! You are making your kids unconsciously hate snow like you do. Don't be a poop!

Erwin and Michelle said...

Amen!! I hate snow, too! Why we live in Utah makes no sense. Erwin's from the tropics so he hates it, too. Belle likes it so I venture out with her usually once in the season, and usually so I can scrap some pictures of her in the snow just to prove that "look it did happen." Otherwise, I don't like going out in it, playing in it or anything else. I wish I had more money and I'd live somewhere more tropic, but alas I don't see that happening anytime soon. So here I am in cold, snowy Utah.

Marty and Emily said...

Ya know, there is a solution to hating snow... :)

My first winter in AZ I was all mopey and talked about how much I missed it. We didn't get to go back to UT that winter cause that's when I had Brynn. So, two years later when I see the snow again, I am reminded, "Oh, that's right, snow is very cold, dangerous, and depressing. That is all." To be totally honest, even though I can't WAIT to see everyone in a couple weeks (!!!) I am NOT looking forward to the snow IN THE SLIGHTEST!

Sunny & Court said...

That's why I moved to Arizona. Christmas isn't the same without snow though. I come home every year so Christmas can feel real. Other than that, I don't miss the snow one bit and I love being able to wear flip flops year round!!