February 19, 2009

My New Addition

For Valentines Day Kelly bought me a much needed gift. A new camera!!
I'm so excited to have it. Thanks Kell!! I love you!

Potty Training

We started potty training the boys on Valentines Day. Going into it I thought that Carter would take to it the best and that Landon would struggle. Boy was I ever wrong. Landon has done so much better than Carter. He's hasn't had more than 4 pee-pee accidents the whole time we've been working with him. Going poop is another story, but we're working on it. And I know that's the hardest part. Carter on the other hand for the first couple of days couldn't have cared less. He would just pee in his pants. It didn't even phase him. But in the last couple of days he's started getting better. We still have the same problem with him as we do with Landon in regards to pooping, but we'll get through it. Yesterday I went outside to check the mail and as I turned around to come back inside this is what I found. Snow hats on sideways, and Carter in his snow boots, which he loves, and Landon with Daddy's ski goggles around his neck. I thought it was too cute not to take a picture of and share. We decided not to use pull-ups, because they're no different than a diaper to the boys. So they're in big boy underwear and I think it's very cute.

February 9, 2009

Don't Miss Out On Scentsy

February is the time to purchase Scentsy!

The new Spring catalog will be available to order from in March,
and that means some items are being discontinued this month.

Don't miss out ordering your favorites!!
As an added bonus, everything in the Fall/Winter catalog is 10%off (except for: Perfect Scentsy, Scentsy Sampler, and Double the Scentsy).

Prices with the 10% Discount
Warmers $27.00
Car Candle $2.70
Room Spray $7.20
Scentsy Bar $4.50
Scentsy Brick $18.00

Bear Country
Ice Blue
Terra Cotta

Cherry Clove Chutney
Christmas Tree
Clementine Tea
Clove and Pepper
Coffee Tree
Cozy Fireside
Creamy Nutmeg
Fried Ice Cream
Grove and Clove
Mulberry Apple Marsala
Orchid Saki
Peach Cobbler Cinnamon
Pear Crumble
Redwood Cedar
True Vanilla
White Pepper Clove
Winter Wonderland

If you'd like to order you can do so directly from
or you can email or call me.

February is also a great time to host a party.
If you're interested, please give me a call or email me.

Crude... Yet Funny

A little while ago Kelly was getting Landon ready for bed and was in the middle of changing his bum. When all of a sudden there was an explosion. Yep... Landon farted right as Kelly lifted his legs up to wipe his little bum. Kelly shockingly exclaimed, "Hey, you farted in my face!" I thought it was hilarious and laughed.

Well last night we were doing the same routine and Kelly once again had Landon. He was changing his diaper and Landon started grunting, the rest went as follows:

Kelly - "Hey... What are you doing?"
Landon - "I fartn your face!"

Crude I know... but it was hilarious! He never did actually fart, but the fact that he was trying and he remembered doing it from the past made it even more funny to me. Kelly was a little shocked, but was trying to hold back his laughter as well.

February 5, 2009

Friday Night Game Night

We love to play games. For Christmas Kelly received a bunch of new ones, and we've had a great time playing them. Last weekend, the Devey's and Tolboe's came over and had dinner with us. Afterward the kids all went downstairs and played, and we pulled out Settlers of Catan. It was so much fun. Tensions were high at points throughout the game and it made it even more fun. Derek ended up winning the game, which if you know Derek, would not be any kind of surprise. He's excellent at strategy games like Settlers. Towards the end of our game the kiddo's started to get tired, and so Kelly turned on a movie for them. It was so cute how they all lined up on the couch to watch. I loved having everyone over and hope that we can do it again soon.

The Carousel

Last Friday my sister in law Kris Anne and I took the kiddos to the South Town mall to have lunch and ride the Carousel. It was so much fun! The kids were so anxious to ride, we barely were able to get some food in their little bellies. They kept running up to the fence and watching it between bites.
Once it was our turn, they gave the ride operator their tokens and bolted for the animals. Landon, Carter, and Georgia all chose horses to ride on. Joseph (or should I say Kris Anne) chose a Gazelle, and Scotty rode on the Dragon.
It was such a simple outing, but all the kids loved it, and it got us out of the house for a few hours. If you're considering doing this, I would highly recommend it.

All About My First Born

A friend of mine sent this to me in an email, and I wanted to blog it. I never wrote down anything while I was pregnant, and figured I'd at least have this to look back at.

1. Was your first pregnancy planned? Yes

2. Were you married at the time? Yes

3. What were your reactions? Excited! We found out on Kelly's birthday.

4. If trying, for how long? Over a year

5. How old were you? 26

6. How did you find out you were pregnant? We took a pregnancy test at home and then went and had some blood work done just to make sure. I was really sick with a sinus infection/cold and wanted to make sure I really was pregnant because of the meds I was taking at the time.

7. Who did you tell first? Kelly... it was his birthday after all!!

8. Did you want to find out the sex? Absolutely!

9. Due Date? 07/13/2006

10. Did you have morning sickness? Nope. I didn't have an appetite either. Nothing sounded good to me.

11. What did you crave? Oranges and Strawberry milkshakes from McDonnalds.

12. Who or what irritated you the most? I don't remember being irritated. I had a really good pregnancy.

13. What was your first child's sex? Boy and Boy -- Twins!

14. Did you wish that you had the opposite sex of what you were getting? No. Kelly and I both wanted to have a boy first.

15. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? I lost 35 in the first trimester, and only gained back about 12 or 15.

16. Did you have a baby shower? Yes I had a few. I was so grateful!! We would have died. Buying 2 of everything really hurt financially.

17. Was it a surprise or did you know? About the shower(s)? I knew about them. About the Twins? NO... they were a complete shock. We found out at our 20 week ultrasound.

18. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Yes. I had false labor once. Landon hardly ever moved and they were concerned about that. My Dr. ended up delivering the babies 5 weeks and 5 days early because Carter stopped growing.

19. Where did you give birth? American Fork, UT

20. How many hours were you in labor? None. I had a scheduled C-Section

21. Who drove you to the hospital? Kelly

22. Who watched you give birth? Kelly, My OB, Another OB from their practice, 6 or more nurses, and the anesthesiologist, I think that was everyone.

23. Was it natural or C-Section? C-Section, and I loved it. Until they gave me morphine afterward for pain. That is a nasty drug. I couldn't stop itching. It made me crazy!!

24. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? I had a spinal block for the C-Section and then afterward I did take medicine to control pain as well.

25. How much did your child weigh? Landon was 5 lbs. 7 oz. and Carter was 4 lbs. 8 oz.

26. When was your child actually born? 06/13/06

27. What name did you choose? Landon and Carter

28. How old is your first born today? They are 2 years and 9 months old.

29. What would you go back and change? I would have asked more questions once I knew they'd be taking the boys early. I wasn't prepared for them to be in the NICU for so long. I am grateful that they were, but I wish that I had been better prepared ahead of time.

Twin A is Landon
Twin B is Carter
I cried when we first saw this!
This was taken in the NICU when the boys were about 5 or 6 hours old.
Landon is the bigger baby in the front.
Carter is the smaller baby in the back.

February 3, 2009

Meet Logan

This is so sweet. I had to share.